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Dr. Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD: Bench-to-bedside…to biotech? Perspectives from an academic founder

Dr. Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD: Bench-to-bedside…to biotech? Perspectives from an academic founder

Dr. Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD: Bench-to-bedside…to biotech? Perspectives from an academic founder

October 24, 2023: 12 noon - 1 pm: presentation, 1 pm – 1:30 pm: networking  

Location: Brady Auditorium (B131) & Brady Foyer 

About the series: The Department of Pathology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar Series will present first-hand experiences from Yale faculty entrepreneurs who will share their unique journey from scientist to entrepreneur—what worked, what didn’t, what resources were needed—as they translated their research from bench to bedside. Each seminar will feature a Yale faculty speaker and audience Q&A followed by networking time for all attendees following each seminar. Presented by The Department of Pathology and Yale Ventures, the seminar is open to the Yale community. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The seminar takes place on the 4th Tuesday of every month: