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amplifyHER Science

Our Mission

Founded in 2020, amplifyHERscience is a Yale Ventures initiative dedicated to championing Yale scientists from all backgrounds in their entrepreneurial journeys to reflect the rich diversity of Yale faculty. One innovator at a time.

Our approach:

  • Personalized Networking: We take a personalized approach to engaging and welcoming scientists to Yale’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. We facilitate strategic introductions, offer mentorship opportunities, and make connections among Yale’s innovation resources to help our members achieve their goals.
  • Easy-Access Resources: Our montly newsletter is an aggregate of applicable events, deadlines, and resources relevant to the amplifyHERscience and beyond. Please sign up to receive it.  
  • Celebration: amplifyHERscience publishes regular spotlight features to highlight aspiring entrepreneurs in our multifaceted scientific community and innovation ecosystem, from scientists to investors.
  • Inclusivity: Diverse representation in innovation and entrepreneurship is essential, so while amplifyHERscience actively supports women, all program opportunities are available and open to everyone within the Yale community.  
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning: Learning from one another is a foundational belief of the amplifyHERscience team. Via small-group informational and one-on-one sessions, the amplifyHERscience Stories Podcast, and other initiatives, we strive to provide relevant content to guide our members on their entrepreneurial journeys. 

Our Programs

Elevator Pitch Intensive: The Elevator Pitch Intensive will help aspiring entrepreneurs hone the fundamentals of their innovation through the development of a 30 second elevator pitch. This is a completely safe space and no judgment zone to toss out ideas, ask questions, and learn from one another. We will be asking you to ponder these 3 questions, but no prep is required.

What problem are you solving?
Whom are you solving it for?
What is your solution & how is it better?

Speed Networking: At annual Yale Ventures event like Yale Innovation Summit and Yale Life Sciences Pitchfest, amplifyHERscience hosts 30-60 minute fast-paced, high-energy, no-pressure meetups  to share insights, exchange ideas, and forge valuable relationships.

Innovators Ignite: A showcase to spotlight underrepresented founders and inventors. 

1:1 support for accelerator applications