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Dr. Rohan Khera: Transforming Cardiovascular Care with Artificial Intelligence: From Discovery to Practice

Dr. Rohan Khera: Transforming Cardiovascular Care with Artificial Intelligence: From Discovery to Practice

12 noon - 1 pm: Faculty Speaker
1 pm – 1:30 pm: Networking
Location: Brady Auditorium (B131) & Brady Foyer


Seminar title: Transforming Cardiovascular Care with Artificial Intelligence: From Discovery to Practice


About the Speaker: 

Dr. Rohan Khera is a Cardiologist at Yale University, where he leads the Cardiovascular Data Science (CarDS) Lab. He is the Clinical Director of the Center for Health Informatics and Analytics at the Yale Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation. He is also an Associate Editor for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health at JAMA.

Dr. Khera’s group is developing and implementing strategies to improve outcomes for patients with or at risk for cardiovascular disease through data-driven innovations in delivering evidence-based, patient-centered care. Dr. Khera’s work develops novel applications in medical informatics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to evaluate patient care and develop precision care solutions. His work spans broad digital data sources, including the electronic health record, electrocardiography, cardiovascular imaging, and wearable devices, with applications to modernize US and global healthcare. The work in his Lab is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Dr. Khera graduated from the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences as a National Young Investigator Scholarship awardee. During his internal medicine residency training at the University of Iowa and his cardiology fellowship training at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dr. Khera received the American College of Cardiology’s Young Investigator Award and the Francois Abboud Young Investigator Award, in addition to being inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. For his work at Yale, Dr. Khera received the 2023 ASCI Young Physician-Scientist Award, the 2023 Blavatnik Award, and the 2021 Jeremiah Stamler Award.

About the series: The Department of Pathology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar Series will present first-hand experiences from Yale faculty entrepreneurs who will share their unique journey from scientist to entrepreneur—what worked, what didn’t, what resources were needed—as they translated their research from bench to bedside. Each seminar will feature a Yale faculty speaker and audience Q&A followed by networking time for all attendees following each seminar. Presented by The Department of Pathology and Yale Ventures, the seminar is open to the Yale community.

The seminar takes place on the 4th Tuesday of every month.