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Wafer Scale Synthesis BN/BP

Wafer Scale Synthesis BN/BP

Stable Black Phosphorous epi-wafer

Black Phosphorous 2D thin films promise to surpass Graphene as the most favorable materials for future nano- and opto-electronics thin film solar, photodetectors, and logical devices.

Current synthesis routes, exfoliation and plasma, face major challenges i) volume, ii) stability and iii) uniformity. Yale inventors have found a way to make high quality wafer-scale deposition possible with no device degradation in air.

Proof of Demonstration:

  • Boron Nitride/Black Phosphorous heterostructures
  • Suits epiwafer and flexible substrate production.
  • Uniformity is sufficient for thin-film transistors.
  • Atomic layer control allows fine bandgap tuning.
  • A novel thin-film BN insulator prevents degradation.


  • Composition and method Patent
  • Seeking fabrication partner for high pressure/ temperature reactor collaboration.