Mid-Infrared Nanbolometer
Next Generation High Speed Thermal Sensor
- There are two types of thermal infrared cameras in use today. Low cost uncooled microbolometer-based cameras (Vanadium Oxide or Amorphous Silicon) which have a slow time response and are limited to around 30 frames per second (30Hz).
- Cooled photon-counting cameras that can measure fast transients (MBE grown superlattices, but they are very expensive and need cooling to low temperatures).
- OCR 7572 nano-bolometer is operational at room temperature, high resolution (16 times better) and Megahertz response time which makes a host of applications possible from Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to Machine vision cameras for component testing and thermography.
- It uses a well-established material system Ultrathin Silicon-On- Thermal-Insulator (SOTI)
- Demo 2x2 Bolometer array of operational wavelength range of 8 -12 μm with pixel dimension of 8x8 μm2
- Large integrated bolometer arrays possible with an individual pixel size of 6x6 μm2 and NETD below 50 mK.
- US Patent Application 14/565,782