T-cell Expansion System
Biomimetic Lymph node
Advances a Non-Engineered approach to adoptive cell therapy (tailored multi-targeting of antigen-specific immune/regulatory signals).
- All-in-one expansion and activation reduces contamination risk, eliminates operator and open handling of material.
- Single-use disposable cartridges permits bedside incubation.
- Current Car-T products in clinical trials require separate offsite cell manipulation steps (eg. Dynabeads™, GE Wave™). Paracrine delivery of IL-2 lowers T cell exhaustion.
- Ex-vivo ‘lymph node’ structure consists of a heterogeneous nanoparticle substrate (CNP):
- T-cells are expanded 10x faster and are 3x more potent than current methods for T-cell expansion
- The percentage of T-cells activated by CNP is above 90% in the first week – top figure
- Continuously better at T-cell expansion than other methods in vivo – bottom figure
- Uses 1 ng of reagents for 1 million cells
- Uses 1000x less of T-cell growth factor IL-2