Multidirectional Sheath for PAD
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a major Public Health Crisis:
- PAD Patients > 200 million worldwide
- Majority are over age 65 (double by 2040)
- ~900,000 PAD procedures per year
- ~ 57% are reinterventions
Current Practice for all PAD procedures (diagnostic and interventional) is unidirectional ONLY (Medtronic, Cordis, Terumo, Cook, Merit).
DeTour Sheath allows bi-directional diagnosis and intervention in the same procedure:
- Overall cost savings for hospitals and outpatient centers (~$250 million per year)
- ↓ Total number of interventions & use of closure devices
- ↓ Access site complications by 50%
- Projected Sheath Cost per unit à (~ $150)