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Antigenic Peptides Help Antibody Access to the Brain

Antigenic Peptides Help Antibody Access to the Brain

Background: Antigen-specific CD4+ T cells that recognize cognate antigen -- presented by perivascular APCs -- secrete IFN-γ, and reduce tight junctions between ECs. Circulating antibodies can access the brain parenchyma by crossing the BBB.

Treatment: Vaccine and antibody-mediated immunotherapy against neurotropic viruses and brain cancers

Innovation: Foundations for future therapeutics based on enabling antibody access to the brain

Innovator: Norifumi Iijima, Akiko Iwasaki

Reference: Iwasaki A. Immune Regulation of Antibody Access to Neuronal Tissues. Trends Mol Med. 2017;23(3):227-245. Iijima N, Iwasaki A. Access of protective antiviral antibody to neuronal tissues requires CD4 T-cell help. Nature. 2016;533(7604):552-6.