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Startup Speaker: Mark Jackson, Senior Quantum Evangelist at Quantinuum


Startup Speaker: Mark Jackson, Senior Quantum Evangelist at Quantinuum

By: Casey Ma MBA/MPH ’26, Yale Ventures CBIT Associate

Last year, quantum computing made headlines with a cover story in Time magazine and a feature on 60 Minutes. Dr. Mark Jackson explains why quantum computing is garnering such attention and its profound implications for the future.

Dr. Jackson began his talk by taking us back 200 years to the very first computer, built by Charles Babbage in 1820. This early machine, although primitive by today's standards, had all the basic components of a modern computer: input and output devices and switches that could be either on or off. These mechanical switches are conceptually similar to the transistors in today's computers, which perform the same binary operations but at a much faster and more efficient rate. Despite these advancements, the fundamental concept of computing hasn't changed for 200 years—until now with the advent of quantum computing.

Quantum computing represents a revolutionary shift.

Traditional computers use bits that are either 0 or 1, representing an off or on state. In contrast, quantum bits, or qubits, leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This phenomenon, known as superposition, allows a qubit to be both 0 and 1 at the same time. Additionally, qubits can be entangled, a property where the state of one qubit is dependent on the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This entanglement enables quantum computers to process and analyze vast amounts of data simultaneously, offering a massive leap in computational power for certain types of problems.

Dr. Jackson traces the origins of quantum computing to the famous physicist Richard Feynman, who proposed the concept in the 1980s. Feynman recognized that traditional computers would struggle to solve certain complex problems, particularly those involving quantum mechanics. He suggested that a computer based on quantum physics could more efficiently solve these problems by mimicking nature's own processes. However, for decades, this idea remained largely theoretical due to the lack of technology to build such a machine. Significant advancements over the past decade, particularly contributions from institutions like Yale, have turned this theoretical concept into a burgeoning reality.

The practical applications of quantum computing are vast and transformative. One of the most promising fields is chemistry. Traditional computers struggle with molecular simulations, which are crucial for drug discovery and material science. For instance, simulating the caffeine molecule requires an impractical amount of computational power on a classical computer, but quantum computers can handle these calculations with ease. 

Quantum computers can achieve chemical accuracy very efficiently, which can revolutionize pharmaceutical research, leading to the development of new drugs and materials that were previously unattainable.

Several industries are already exploring the potential of quantum computing. Financial institutions like JP Morgan are using quantum algorithms for portfolio optimization, which involves balancing various financial assets to achieve the best returns with minimal risk. Quantum computers excel at solving such complex optimization problems more efficiently than traditional computers. Additionally, quantum machine learning is being applied to fraud detection, enhancing the ability to identify anomalous transactions and prevent financial crimes. In pharmaceuticals, quantum computing accelerates drug discovery by simulating interactions at the molecular level, potentially leading to personalized medicine tailored to an individual's genetic profile.

Building quantum computers involves various cutting-edge technologies. Dr. Jackson highlighted two primary approaches: superconducting circuits and ion traps. Superconducting circuits, used by companies like IBM and Google, rely on materials that conduct electricity without resistance at extremely low temperatures. This requires sophisticated cooling systems using liquid helium. Ion traps, used by companies like Quantinuum, manipulate charged particles with electromagnetic fields and lasers. Each technology has its strengths and challenges, and ongoing research aims to optimize these approaches and potentially combine them for enhanced performance.
Dr. Jackson introduces the concept of quantum volume, a metric developed by IBM to measure a quantum computer's performance. Unlike simply counting the number of qubits, quantum volume considers factors such as qubit quality, connectivity, and error rates. Recent advancements have significantly increased quantum volume, indicating rapid progress in making quantum computers more reliable and powerful. This progress suggests that practical applications of quantum computing are closer than many people realize.

Looking ahead, Dr. Jackson is optimistic about the near-term applications of quantum computing. 

We believe that within a few years, we will see practical quantum computing solutions impacting various sectors, from optimizing logistics to enhancing cybersecurity.

Quantum computers could revolutionize industries by solving problems that are currently intractable for classical computers. For example, in logistics, quantum algorithms could optimize delivery routes in real time, significantly improving efficiency and reducing costs. In cybersecurity, quantum computers could break current encryption methods but also lead to the development of new, more secure encryption techniques.

In conclusion, quantum computing represents a fundamental shift in technology, offering solutions to problems previously considered unsolvable. Dr. Jackson's insights provide a glimpse into a future where quantum computing transforms industries and drives innovation across the board. As research and development continue to advance, the potential applications of quantum computing will expand, promising a new era of technological advancement and discovery.

About the speaker: Mark Jackson is a Theoretical Physicist with expertise in the quantum computing industry. After earning his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Columbia University under the supervision of Brian Greene, Jackson authored almost 40 technical papers while conducting research at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, the Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics, the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

About the series: The Yale Ventures Startup Speaker Series is a series of dynamic virtual discussions featuring a lineup of founders, investors, and key members of the Yale innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. Open to the Yale community, this series is designed to explore critical topics for aspiring and current founders, offering invaluable insights and inspiration. Sessions may explore the journeys of successful entrepreneurs, the nuances of startup investment, and the latest trends in innovation. Whether you’re a student, alumnus, or part of the Yale faculty, this series promises to be an enriching experience, fostering connections and empowering Yale founders.